25 years of trusted service
We at Davis Repair are proud to announce that we donated the time and energy along with some of our vendors to help Willie B at KBPI "Cars for Christmas" car give away. The vehicle will get a full on make-over and delivered to someone in need. Someone will love this vehicle! We would like to thank our vendors, Onestop, Havana Auto Parts, Autawash, Factory Motor Parts and Kip at BG for donating parts and services. We feel really lucky to be apart of such a great event. Davis Repair is donated countless hours to fix this '97 Ford Taurus for one deserving person. Willie B will give this car away - so listen to 106.7 KBPI for more info. #willieB #KBPI Thanks to Alan Anderson ,Will Hunt, & Jesse Soda for donating their time at the shop to get this car ready for it's new owner! Check out the before and after photos!
Thank you Al and Will for donating your time to get this car ready for KBPI and it's new owner! Thank you AutaWash for donating the detailing